Aetheric Shield Projector

This Device fits in the hand or straps to the wrist and projects a plane of force that acts as a Large Shield with the Agile property while it is activated, counting as a Weapon and a Shield for the purposes of interactions with spells and abilities. Attacks with the Device deal Arcanite damage, instead of a Large Shield’s normal damage type. Turning the Device on and off requires a Free Action on your turn. The Device retains its original Bulk while it is activated. You must have a hand free to wield it while it is activated, but it does not occupy a hand while it is deactivated.

You can use a Free Action on your turn and spend 1 charge of Aether Flux to expand the shield, gaining +5 DR per Tier against effects with the same elemental tag(s) as the Arcanite powering the device, as well as a +1 Bonus to your Defense and Reflex saving throws. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn.