Aetherlight Cannon

This Device allows you to make attacks with intense beams of energy. It grants you the Aetherlight Beam (Cannon), Aetherlight Blast, Precise Shot, and Vital Strike abilities.

This Device counts as a ranged weapon, specifically a Heavy Crossbow, for the purposes of interactions with spells and abilities.

Aetherlight Beam (Cannon)

Aetherlight Beam (Cannon)

You fire a massive beam of energy at your target, making a Ranged Weapon Attack against their Reflex DC and dealing 2d8 Arcanite damage if you Hit. You use your Proficiency with Heavy Crossbows for this attack roll.

If the Device is Loaded, you can use this ability in place of a ranged weapon Strike if another ability grants you one.

Aetherlight Blast

Aetherlight Blast

You fire a devastating energy beam at your target and anything behind it. Make a Basic Ranged Arcanite attack against the Reflex DC of all creatures in a 50-foot long and 5-foot wide line originating from you, dealing 1d8 Arcanite damage on a Hit.

You can spend 1 charge of Aether Flux when you use this ability to gain +1 Bonus Die to your damage roll.