Aragh, the Wolf, patron Saint of Survival and the Hunt

Be you hunter or hunted, the chase always reveals the strength hidden within.

Aragh is the Saint of the Hunt, of survivalists and hunters of all types. He is not a follower of Druathos; he cares not for the sanctity of nature or the balance between the mortal and natural worlds. His is the domain of mortal against wilderness, of pitting yourself against the wilds and seeing whether you come out the victor. Whether it be hunting great beasts, escaping the pursuit of a dire predator, or surviving in the wild despite injury or loss of supplies, folk who seek the strength and cunning to overcome such challenges whisper prayers for Aragh’s favor.

Images & Symbols


Aragh appears as a great wolf, standing taller than a man at the shoulder, fashioned out of either plant material fitting the surrounding biome or pure black shadow, depending on whether he’s dealing with supplicants or enemies. His Green Wolf form is a majestic Spirit of nature, while his Shadow Wolf form is said to be terrifying in battle and the hunt.