Aragh’s Mark Of The Hunter

You target any number of characters with this ritual, all of whom must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

The targets gain a Mark Of Aragh, a physical mark on their faces that indicates the favor of the Saint of the Hunt.

When this ritual is performed, you must inform Wheelhouse what kind of creature the targets wish to hunt; if that creature type (werewolf, ghoul, ettercap, etc.) is present in a Skirmish scheduled for the day, Wheelhouse will ensure that all such instances of that creature have a mark on them that makes them easier to spot, avoid, or track, such as a glowstick necklace, brightly-colored flag, whistle, or the like.

This ritual’s effects can only take effect if at least one of the characters going on a skirmish featuring the chosen creature type has the Mark Of Aragh from this ritual. If none of the participants have the Mark, the Skirmish will be delayed and the markings on the creatures will be removed.

The effects of this ritual last until the next sunrise or the targets have another Personal Sorcery cast upon them.