Archery is one of the more dangerous parts of LARPing if it’s used inappropriately. A LARP bow or crossbow is still a fully functional weapon; only the fact that the arrows you’re using have soft foam heads keeps them from being highly dangerous or even lethal. Even with those foam tips, they can easily cause painful bruises or permanent injuries if they are used improperly.

As an archer, it is your responsibility to never use your bow unsafely, and to always place the safety of your fellow players (PCs and NPCs both) above your character’s success in battle.

Players under the age of 18 are not allowed to use bows or crossbows in combat situations; practice or competition shooting is still allowed, with a parent or guardian’s supervision.

Construction Requirements

Safety Checks

You must bring your bow and all of your arrows to weapons check at the start of every event that you intend to fire it/them at. Any that have not been checked over and approved by staff at the start of an event may not be used during that event.

You must perform a Full Check of your bow and every arrow or bolt each time you bring them with you into a skirmish or battle.

You must perform an Essential Check of every arrow or bolt each time you are about to fire your weapon, before you nock the ammunition to the string.

Full Check

When you are about to go on a Skirmish or Battle, you must perform a more rigorous check of your ammunition to ensure that they are all in good shape and safe to use. You must perform this check before each Skirmish or Battle you go on.