
There is power lurking in the night sky, in the patterns and motions of the stars. Mortals were first taught to call upon it by the Old Gods, and after the Godswar they pieced together rites out of fragmentary star charts recovered from the ruins of Amethras and Helicalis.

At first, Astromancers called upon aspects of their Old God masters, using the constellations and symbolism granted by those eldritch creatures. Eventually, however, they came to realize that any common meaning granted by a people as a whole to the patterns written in the heavens could be used as a source of power — and once the Old Gods had fallen, the mortals chose a new path, painting new constellations upon the vault of the night sky that were free of the Old Gods’ twisted ideologies.

Astromancy is thought to use the constellations as metaphysical vessels to safely channel the energies of the Void, the Far Realm of empty space and maddeningly alien stars and planets. Giving a mortal’s perspective and context to the constellations allows Astromancers to conjure and manipulate the power radiating through the Veil from the Void in their spells and rituals without directly interacting with the maddening entities who dwell within that plane. Rumors of Astromancers going mad from Void exposure are entirely overblown; there is, however, a slight but noticeably-higher rate of mental illness amongst Astromancers compared to practitioners of other magical traditions…

<aside> 🌌 We are still working on expanding the Astromantic constellations. Currently only their fortune-telling symbology is listed, but we intend to add in their appearance and location in the night sky and how each can be used in spells and rituals in future updates.
