
Dalean garb is eclectic, as there is a lot of variation between what the folk in rural Steadings wear and the high fashion of those who live in the Great Cities. However, their garb all usually has the same general shape, even if the appearance and material of it varies from sturdy and workmanlike to fancy and expensive. The general aesthetic is Late Medieval to early Renaissance garb, with an emphasis on puffy sleeved-shirts, doublets, and jerkins for masculine dress, and dresses built off of the foundation of a chemise and kirtle for feminine dress. The general color scheme is summery or autumnal, with lots of greens, yellows, oranges, and reds accenting basic browns, creams, or whites. The signature garment(s) for Aurendale are a collection of distinctive headwear, accented by a sprig of leaves or grain.


Earthy, Sturdy, Practical, Druidic, Cottage-Core, Bright, Hopeful, Prosperous, Industrious, Flamboyant, Renaissance


Renaissance Faire garb, The Witcher, actual historical Medieval-, Renaissance-, and Elizabethan-era clothing, and a general fantasy hunter & fantasy farmer aesthetic, with a dash of Landsknecht thrown in for spice.

Visual Reference

https://www.pinterest.com/veilguardlarp/aurendale-federation/ (a Pinterest board for garb and aesthetic inspiration.)

Aurendale Color Swatches

Aurenvale pallette.png



Dalean garb tends towards warm tones, yellows and reds and oranges, but always in contrast with a green or white of some sort. The brightness and saturation of the colors in their clothing varies heavily based on a person’s station and economic means, but in general the brighter and more saturated the hue the better, cost permitting. The only exceptions are folk whose job requires subtlety or stealth, such as Outriders or the scouts of an Altorii Company, or those folk who (understandably) would rather not get their finest-looking outfit dirty as they go about their work. White and brown are very common colors in base layers, and brown outer layers are relatively common in working or hunting clothes, though most prefer to pair such a garment with a more-brightly-colored shirt or undergarment. Black and dark gray are almost never seen in Dalean garb outside of the flamboyant stripes of Altorii mercenary garb, and purple is actively frowned upon as an homage to the Vauldan obsession with the color. Blue is uncommon, but does occasionally appear in an accessory or kerchief.