Blessing Of The Divine

You can target either a character or an Enchanted item with this ritual. If you are targeting an item, you must go to Wheelhouse to get a lammie to attach to the item, describing the roleplay effect that you are granting it.

You imbue a character or item with a roleplaying effect based on one of the Saints of your deity. You choose which Saint’s blessing is granted to the target when you perform the ritual. See each Saint’s entry for their specific roleplaying effect.

The target, or the character Attuned to and carrying/wearing/wielding the target (if it is an item), is immune to environmental roleplaying effects. This does not grant them immunity to roleplaying effects caused by Curses, Sorceries, or Traumatic Wounds cards, or to environmental mechanical effects, only to environmental effects that would alter their behavior and are caused by entering a particular area.

The ritual’s effects last until the end of the third event after the current one; this duration applies regardless of whether the target attends any of those events.

This ritual’s effect technically counts as a Curse, as it can be delivered via Curse Card and placed on someone without their consent and without replacing any of the current Sorceries affecting them. However, despite its thaumatological taxonomy, it is widely regarded as a positive effect, and many people seek out Mystics to have the ritual performed on them in order to gain the blessing of a God or Saint they particularly favor. It is considered extremely sacrilegious to inflict this ritual upon someone without their consent, and while doing so is possible it will have severe repercussions on you and anyone who assists you in doing so.

Performing this ritual does not count against your Ritual Fatigue limit for the day.