Burning Brand

You infuse the target’s weapons with flames. The spell starts with 2 charges. Every time the target of the spell Hits or Critically Hits with a weapon attack, a charge is expended, the triggering attack’s damage type changes to Fire, and the attack gains +1d8 Bonus Die on its damage roll. When the spell has no more charges, it ends.

You can use an additional +1 Major Action when you cast this spell to add +1 charge to that casting of the spell.

Deadly Infusion

For each rank of this Metamagic applied to the spell, the target of the spell gains a +2 Bonus on damage rolls of attacks enhanced by the spell.

Explosive Brand

Whenever a charge is expended, the target of the spell can choose to cause the infused weapon to explode with flames. If they do so, they compare the attack roll of the triggering attack to the Reflex DCs of all creatures adjacent to the target, other than themselves, as a Basic Melee Spell Attack, dealing 1d8 Fire damage on a Hit. The Attribute Modifier for the damage roll of this secondary damage is your spellcasting Attribute Modifier.

Balefire Brand

The flames conjured by the spell are Balefire, the essence of fire’s destructive nature. Attacks enhanced by the spell ignore 5 DR per caster’s Tier per rank of this metamagic applied to the spell.

Flickering Flame

Immediately before or after you cast the spell, you may teleport a distance of up to 15 feet for each rank of this metamagic applied to the spell. You must have line of sight and line of effect to the location you are teleporting to, and anti-Occult wards or barriers block the teleport. Reactions that trigger off of Manipulate Actions trigger when you cast the spell, but not when you perform the teleport.

Potent Flame

The next time you make a damage roll before the end of your next turn (including with the spell you applied this metamagic to, if it deals damage), you deal +1 Bonus Die of damage to one creature affected by that damage roll.