Some of the common archetypes found in the League are:


Asklepians are those Ceruleans who dedicate themselves to the healing arts with the keen intellect and rigorous schooling that are so typical of the League. Asklepians have mastered medicine through intensive study of the mortal form and the natural world, learning how bodies and minds work, how they fail, and how they can be healed. Many dabble in alchemy for its uses in healing and fortifying mind and body, as well as the necessity of studying some of the world’s deadliest poisons in order to learn how to neutralize them. Many Asklepians take an oath to prioritize the good health and well-being of all around them, including their enemies; these Oathsworn Healers are often left alone by both sides in a conflict out of respect for their dedication and impartiality, though unfortunately cultists are notorious for ignoring this tradition.


Arcanists, architects, enchanters, and students of geometry, mathematics, and the intersection between the magical and physical forces of the world, Daidalons are some of the most celebrated craftsfolk in the Continent. One of the greatest Daidalons in history was Arkhimoto of Surakawa whose inventions repelled the Vauldan invasion of Seiklos, and his ingenious creations on and off the battlefield have made Daidalons well-known far beyond the League’s borders. They use their knowledge of magical geometry and engineering to craft marvels both large and small, and their mastery of ritual allows them to support one another even when not directly working on a specific project.


The greatest fighters of the League, the Hetairoi began as the bodyguard and shock troops (affectionately referred to as “Companions”) of the Stratiarch of Lakedemos eight hundred years ago. When the office evolved into that of the Archon of the League, the Companions became more widespread as a type of warrior-monk throughout the League, with each Isle having their own name for them, such as the Heiros Lokhos (“Sacred Band”) of Tegai. In modern times they are a class of itinerant warriors and athlete-scholars, devotees of Vallaros on a never-ending quest to sharpen their skills in physical and mental contests. Hetairoi hold themselves to a strict code of honor and behavior, believing that behaving honorably in life and in combat results in better contests and faster growth as they and their opponents grow alongside one another.


The defensive mainstay of the League’s fighting forces, Hoplites wear medium or heavy armor and fight with shield, spear, and sword, and when fighting as a group prefer to form a slowly-moving shield line to plow through their enemies. They are trained as leaders, and when they are not working as part of the army itself they are put in charge of militia and guard forces, protecting towns and cities from mortals, beasts, and wild Spirits. Small squads of Hoplites are often sent by the Archon to investigate trouble in rural townships, trusted to use their discretion and leadership abilities to handle whatever is threatening the area. Many Hoplites serve in a reserve capacity after their first seven years in the army, spending much of their time pursuing a non-martial profession, while being ready to answer a call to arms should it ever be necessary.


The Krypteii are spoken of in hushed whispers, if they’re discussed at all by the rest of Cerulean society. Though their existence is actively fostered by the Archon and the rest of the League’s government, the fact that they are proudly capable spies, thieves, and even assassins makes most Cerulean civilians uncomfortable. Once they are recruited (by private interests or the Dendron Mysterion), they are all registered with the League’s government, and are required to undergo intensive training in maintaining emotional stability — while the League understands and even supports the existence of capable individuals who pursue underhanded means to an end, they will not tolerate rogue agents who are susceptible to Old God corruption.

Once the Dendron Mysterion is satisfied as to a new Krypteia’s stability and incorruptibility, they are trained in all forms of spycraft and thievery (and occasionally assassination). Privately-employed Krypteia are tolerated by League law enforcement so long as nothing they do can be pinned on them, but all Krypteia are subject to a draft by the government when the Dendron Mysterion needs someone to infiltrate or eliminate an Old God cell — this is viewed as a patriotic duty by all Krypteia, and a fair price for being allowed to conduct their business without being hunted down for the lawless means they use to pursue it.


Lightly armored and favoring projectile weapons of various kinds, the Nautiloi (also known as “Peltasts” after the distinctive bucklers they carry) emerged from the necessities of warfare aboard seagoing vessels where heavier armaments were a detriment. Though they began as shipborne marines to protect crews and scout coastlines, the Nautiloi proved to be quite effective in more rugged, mountainous terrain as well and quickly became the all-purpose skirmishers of the League. They are famed for their tracking skills and ability to survive in the widely varied wildernesses of the Isles, leveraging their bushcraft and knowledge of the natural world to the fullest extent.

Nautiloi are recruited young by both the League’s military and by private shipping concerns, and are traditionally tasked with serving for seven years before their contract is up and they become free agents. “Earning your shell” is the slang term for the intensive training process that Nautiloi undergo, with “Hardback” being the respectful term for someone who’s finished at least two seven-year terms as a Nautilon.


Pythians are oracles and diviners, reading the stars and communing with spirits of the dead, the land, and the gods themselves. Trained in arcane magic, they learn as many different methods of divination as they are able to effectively use, their own personal interests guiding the direction in which they pursue the diviniatory and ritual arts. Pythians are notorious for speaking in arcane jargon regarding the results of their divinations, and for needing to be prodded repeatedly to simplify their observations into something that a layperson can understand. The fact that divinations about the future are often wrong in some form or fashion often lends the profession a mixed reputation, but leaders in the League know how critical it can be to have a Pythian advising them when danger is near and the future is uncertain.


While both Vauldans and Ceruleans take pride in using logic and reasoning in their spellcraft, Vauldans tend to draw upon their extensive legal codes for power while Ceruleans use their observations of natural phenomena to shape their “arguments.” Rhetors are as much philosophers and sages as debaters and orators. Some combination of analytical mind and creative drive are necessary to truly thrive in the profession, as there is a certain level of creativity needed to bend logic to your needs without breaking it.

Some Rhetors become Dramaturges, crafting poetry, plays, fables, and fiction to catalogue their observations of the natural world and the journey of self-understanding that all Ceruleans undertake. Others become lawyers, magistrates, or other pillars of the community such as diplomats, teachers, or healers, shepherding their fellow Ceruleans along in the never-ending journey towards enlightenment. A few even become battle-mages, using logomantic spells and force of will to curse their enemies and heal their allies.


Arcane caretakers of the wilds and holy naturalists, Zodions blend the Cerulean study of the natural world with the practice of magic to better learn about both, communing with the wild Spirits of the land and gaining power and understanding in the process. Most of the time this influence is used to maintain the ecosystems of the Isles and preserve the natural resources of the League, but occasionally Zodions are called upon to put their skills to other, more martial uses. Outside of the League, Zodions are known primarily as the keepers of the war-bees and other martial familiars, and their skill with calling on venomous Spirits is feared by all who have trespassed in the League’s wildernesses with ill-intent.

The tradition of beast-minders has roots that far predate the League, when Radokhar and his followers and the later Agonistic Ceruleans found wild animals to be quite effective in eliciting strong emotions in their victims. The modern Zodions are a very distant descendant of these horrendous beast-masters, and many swear oaths to never send their charges into combat, often putting themselves in harms way to protect the creatures they have taken under their wing.