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Please note that much or all of this page is currently in what we are calling “Bullet Draft” format, i.e. it’s not been fully written out but we’ve listed the ideas we’re working with in bullet-list form. We will be fleshing these out further and turning them into proper paragraph prose at some point in the coming year, but we wanted to put the lore out for players to read before the first event, even if it’s not as polished as we’d like it. Any sections here that are in bullet list format are not final and are subject to change, though hopefully only small adjustments will be needed between this and the final version.



The League has a larger-than-usual percentage of Elves and Summer Fae. The Summer Fae are native to the Isles, brought over or created by Radokhar before the Godswar, while the Elves have slowly flocked to the Isles over the last millennia, drawn by the desire for a more intellectual and logic-driven society to live in. Dwarves have migrated in slowly over the centuries, particularly during periods of internal strife within the Empire. Other types of Fae besides Summer tend to be rare, but are not unheard of.





Spring Fae

Summer Fae

Autumn Fae

Winter Fae