
If you’re ever confused about what’s going on, what just happened, what’s about to happen, or what you should be doing in a given situation, the keyword to ask for help is “Clarify.”

For instance, if you get hit in combat and someone makes a Call that you’re not familiar with or have forgotten the rules for, you can say “Clarify: what does that do?” and hopefully get an answer. If you’re about to go on a skirmish, and the NPC manning the Gate gives instructions that you don’t quite understand, you can say “Clarify: did you mean…?” And so forth. Essentially, whenever you want some out-of-character clarification on something, use Clarify to make it clear what you’re requesting.

Similarly, if an NPC ever says “Let Me Clarify,” that is a signal that they are explaining something on a meta level or trying to make a plot or lore point as clear as possible. An NPC will never lie to you with a Let Me Clarify; they may be mistaken, but they will never intentionally mislead you with whatever follows that phrase. You can treat it as a quest or encounter briefing, or as a bit of True Exposition as far as that NPC is aware.

Note that sometimes when you ask for clarification about lore, NPCs will have been instructed not to clarify — they said what they said, and it’s up to you to figure it out. Mostly this will be in situations where there is critical lore or plot spoilers and the GM team want the PCs to do the work of piecing things together themselves.