Discordant Song Of Competition

You target one Enterprise with this ritual; the Curse Card must be delivered to the Enterprise’s owner for the ritual to take effect.

This ritual can only target a Tower or Congregation.

The target Enterprise loses -6 Levels.

The effects of this ritual last for the next two Rounds of Downtime, until you choose to remove it, or until the curse is broken.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +13 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target.

Ritual Roleplay Suggestions

You place a curse upon the target’s Enterprise, causing the ambitions and dreams of the folk who work there to clash, leading them to tear one another down instead of working together towards a common purpose.

Roleplaying Effects

The target suffers from a shortened temper, and finds it more difficult to remain calm when things don’t go according to plan.