Elemental Gift

You apply the effects of one Skill Feat with the Gift tag that you have to a number of other creatures equal to your Tier plus the number of Proficiency Boosts you have in your Primary Arcana. They benefit as if they had that feat until the effects of this ritual end. They do not gain the effects of any Upgrades you have for that feat.

The effects of this ritual last until you end them with a Free Action on your turn, you take a Long Rest, or 5 minutes after you fail to maintain it on your turn, whichever happens first.

The effects of this ritual count as an Infusion, and must be maintained as such, though they are easier to maintain than normal Infusions and their effects persist for 5 minutes after you fail to maintain them. You can use a Free Action once per round on your turn to Sustain a number of castings of this ritual equal to the number of Proficiency Boosts you have in your Primary Arcana. You can also Sustain the effects of this ritual normally, using the Sustain action and any ranks of Infusion Focus you possess.