Every Regret A Crushing Burden

You place a curse upon a target character.

The target cannot lift both feet off the ground at once. This means that they cannot run, jog, or jump; they must walk when they move anywhere (though as long as they keep at least one foot on the ground at all times, there’s nothing stopping them from speed-walking). However, if a situation is unsafe and they need to run to get away from whatever is causing the safety issue, they may do so.

The effects of this ritual last until the next sunrise, until you choose to remove it, or until the curse is broken.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +8 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target.

Roleplaying Effects

The target becomes obsessed with their failures, ranting in melodramatic fashion about what they should have done or how they regret some decision they made. Any kind of mistake or setback sets off a soliloquy on how sad they are about it.