A great gate stands on one edge of Veilguard, facing the mists of the Veil, known as the Godscore Gate. Said to be a gift of the gods during the first Churning, the Gate allows Veilwalkers to travel through the mists of the Veil to any place on the Continent for a brief span of time.

Each foray out of Veilguard via the Gate requires significant effort on the part of Veilguard’s resident mages to open it and keep it open, and the Gate cannot open to different locations at the same time.

While a Veilwalker is in the mortal realm after leaving Veilguard via the Gate, they retain their immortality, respawning in Veilguard if they are slain. This also applies to those who have grown to the point where they have lost their immortality; they respawn back in Veilguard as usual, though the process leaves them Terminal.

If a Veilwalker leaves through the Gate and doesn’t return before the Gate closes, they are immediately slain, dissolving into mist and respawning in Veilguard, often with a tremendous headache.

The Godscore Gate allows Veilwalkers to act as the ultimate mobile shock troops and scouts, portalling into areas that their nations’ armies and spies aren’t able to reach or can’t reach in time to achieve a critical objective. It also allows them to pick up and deliver time-sensitive items from one end of the Continent to the other in the span of an hour, letting them act as the ultimate couriers should the need for such arise. The fact that many Veilwalkers on these expeditions can die on their missions and then recover in Veilguard makes the Godscore Gate a massive force-multiplier for the Veilwalkers and the forces fighting against the Old Gods’ armies.