Grand Hunt Of Aragh’s Chosen

The cost of this ritual is tripled if it is performed outside of Veilguard.

You must hold a grand hunt in the area around where you perform this ritual immediately after performing it; one of the participants of the Hunt (chosen at the end by all of the participants) gains +5 Levels to their Enterprise for the next Round of Downtime.

After a target is chosen to receive this boon, the effects of this ritual last until the end of the next Round of Downtime or another Enterprise Sorcery is placed on the target (whichever comes first).

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +8 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target. Any additional targets must be chosen from amongst the competitors in the contest.

This is a Prismatic Ritual, allowing you to perform the ritual with the assistance of ritualists of a different tradition from your own. For each tradition besides your own (Arcanist, Alethian Mystic, Bakharan Mystic, Druathan Mystic, Oruunari Mystic, & Vallarian Mystic) that participates in the ritual, the bonus to the Level to the Enterprises of the target(s) of the ritual is increased by +1. The Level bonus caps out at +10, if there is an Arcanist and Mystics of all five faiths participating in the ritual.

The Hunt

One participant must don the mask of the Wolf; at least one participant per eventual target of the ritual must don the mask of the Prey. The Hunters must wear armbands or headbands clearly denoting their status to both the Wolf and the Prey. None of the participants may use Bows, Crossbows, or Thrown Weapons until the Hunt is over.

After all participants have donned their required vestments, the Prey scatter; the Hunters and the Wolf must wait 5 minutes for the Prey to run, and then the Hunters may begin the pursuit. 1 minute later, the Wolf may begin to pursue the Hunters.

If a Hunter hits a Prey with their weapon, that Prey is “killed,” and must surrender their Prey mask to the Hunter. Hunters can return to the ritual site with their trophy/trophies, where they are safe from the Wolf; once they reenter the ritual site, however, they cannot return to the Hunt. Prey cannot strike the Hunters; they must elude or outrun their hunters to survive.

If the Wolf hits a Hunter with their weapon, the Hunter is “killed” and removed from the contest, surrendering their armband and any Prey masks they have collected to the Wolf. If all of the Prey have been caught, the Hunt is over and the Wolf cannot harm the Hunters any more. Hunters cannot strike the Wolf; they must hide from or avoid their hunter to survive.

Once all Prey have been caught or all the Hunters caught or retreated to the ritual site, the Hunt is over. The participants decide who amongst their number receives Aragh’s blessing(s) from the ritual once the Hunt is complete and the participants have all reconvened at the ritual site.

Common divisions are:

These divisions are not required, as Aragh only cares that the Hunt occurs rather than who benefits from his Blessing, but they are traditional.