An organization of thieves, crime lords, and other criminals, the Gray Hand has a presence in every city and large town across the continent. They have no leadership and rarely act in concert, behaving more as a support network for rogues and other followers of Kavahn to do their work in the shadows without having to worry too much about logistics or overly-enthusiastic law enforcement.

Note to Players: Being a member of the Gray Hand entitles you to some benefits, such as access to stolen goods and information and some rogue-specific quests, but it also brings expectations that you’ll act in a way to benefit the rest of the Hand, and will pitch in to support other rogues when asked. Joining the Hand is very much like joining a gang, albeit a loosely-associated one that lets its members mostly do what they want, and it’s impossible to leave without there being consequences — choose carefully whether you wish to be or become a member.