
The city of Heavensfall is named after a large meteor that struck here during the Godswar. The fragments of the falling star, containing a dense mixture of Adamant and Luminium, were left spread across the desert just waiting for prospectors to find them. The nodules that were visible on the surface were quickly turned into tools, weapons, and armor during the Age Of Dust And Stone, when the Dwarves were left stranded on Sundland after the Godswar, which proved critical in helping the initial Dwarven population survive through that terrible period. Heavenfall is one of the oldest settlements in Sunderwyl’s history, its walls and forges weathering the millennia of strife and sandstorms alike without serious harm. Most recently, Heavenfall has become the new Capital of The Barren Reach after the last churning devastated Ironwall.

The Enterprises commonly here include Military Units, Businesses, Aether Vents, Towers, and Mines (both Lightstone & Darkstone)