
The tradition of Hydromancy calls upon ancient pacts with the Spirits of the Seven Seas of the world to create a magical effect. Though it is known as “water magic,” Hydromancy does not actually need to manipulate water to be effective; a Hydromancer can invoke one of the Seven Spirits by name without a single drop of water nearby, and still be able to call forth a spell or perform a ritual. The presence of water certainly helps, though, whether as small phials of water used as magical foci or an urn or cup of water used as the medium for a ritual’s magic.

There is a tradition for dedicated Hydromancers to journey to all seven Seas on a magical pilgrimage, collecting a phial of the waters from each to use in their magics. Such samples aren’t at all necessary to use the Seas’ magic, but the waters do make it somewhat easier to focus on a spells or rituals as it is being performed.

Spirits of the Seven Seas

Lucesia Madre

The Light Within The Deeps is a massive Kraken Spirit and the guardian of the Jadefang Archipelago and the Amethran Sea. She offers those who invoke her the power of protection and regenerative power, allowing Hydromancers to cast the Mage’s Warding and Healing Touch spells by calling upon her name. When invoked in rituals, Lucesia Madre’s power can be used for rituals involving healing, vitality, growth, strength, power, rage, destruction, camouflage, light, and colors.


The Wyrm of the Frozen Scales is a great serpentine Spirit of ice, bone, and mud who sleeps at the bottom of the Skarren Sea. He grants physical might and a potent magical venom to those who invoke his name, allowing mages to use the Infusion of Might and Venomous Curse spells. When invoked as part of a ritual, Isvalgandr’s power can be used for rituals involving poison, disease, death, decay, bone, frost, ice, winter, rest, power, and strength.


The Fathomless One is a titanic gulper able to swallow a dreadnaught whole, who swims between the isles of the Southern Seas. Its eternal hunger and enormous mass can be used by those that invoke its name to perform the Siphon Aether and Stunning Curse spells. When invoked as part of a ritual, Gollup’s power can be used for rituals involving hunger, growth, weight, destruction, confusion, aether, travel, profit, and resistance to harm.

Skyfather Neboke

The Tyrant of the Clouds, who patrols the Eastern Seas off the coast of Tomarr. His power lies in obedience and threat, the storm clouds that chase all before their rumbling fury, and a mage who invokes his name can use the Repulsing Curse, Turn Evil, and Force Bolt spells. When invoked as part of a ritual, Neboke’s power can be used for rituals involving rulership, sovereignty, pride, majesty, movement, clouds, oaths, law, courage, warfare, and purification.


The Strangler of Hope is a Spirit of seaweed and patient hatred, lurks within the waters of Serpent’s Reach and guards the approach to the Western Seas. Its writhing tentacles and kelp fronds can be invoked to allow a mage to cast the Binding Curse or Word of Repair spells. When invoked as part of a ritual, Wurgelach’s power can be used for rituals involving hidden things, illusions, secrets, sacrifice, binding, threads and weaving, repair, traps, ambush, despair, and fear.


The Stormchild is a dread and wrathful Spirit of storm and maelstrom who guards the Sundal Sea. His power shatters ships and drains the life from sailors, letting mages who invoke his name cast the Shattering Word and Curse of Weakness spells. When invoked as part of a ritual, Hrostin’s power can be used in rituals involving destruction, unraveling, rage, fury, fear, madness, calm, barriers, perception, lightning, and death.


The Dancer in the Foam is a playful avian Spirit who holds court above and below the Cerulean Sea. Her power is an abstract one of clarity and reconstitution, granting mages who invoke her name the ability to cast the Cleansing Touch and Restoration spells. When invoked as part of a ritual, Chorethalis’ power can be used in rituals involving light, the sun, wind and wave, travel, hope, joy, clarification, understanding, the future, and overcoming barriers.