Hardy, Enduring, Grim, Strong, Wintry, Norse, Wise, Pragmatic, Magical, Runic, Adventurous, Mercantile
The History Channel’s glamorized version of vikings, actual historical Norse garb, fantasy northern barbarians, the Wildlings of A Song Of Ice And Fire
Visual Reference
https://www.pinterest.com/veilguardlarp/iskaldur-jarldom/ (a Pinterest board for garb and aesthetic inspiration.)
Iskaldur Garb Examples
Iskaldur Color Swatches

- Colors are a mix of blue, red, purple, black, brown, beige, and grey. Reds, blues, and purples vary between bright and highly-saturated to dark and dull.
- Linen and wool are the core materials for garb. Leather is used for armor and accessories. Furs and pelts are very common, either as trim or as large additions to a garment to aid in keeping out the cold and/or to add visual bulk and make the wearer look stronger or more impressive.
- Basic garments are a tunic (possibly multiple layers of tunics), simple pants, and either a square cloak or center-closing coat (or both if it’s cold).
- Signature garment(s) are the Sögannar (paired brooches worn just below the collarbone and connected by a chain or beaded cords) and/or a Skalding Hood (real-world historical Skjoldehamn hood).
- Headgear is a rounded cap or a triangular hat that is designed so the peak falls to the side of the head; both often have furred or embroidered trim.
- Feminine garb adds an apron dress and has tunics that go down to the knees or ankles. Feminine Sögannar are the same as historical “tortoise brooches,” attached to the straps of the apron dress and connected by multiple cords or chains.
- Norse runes and draconic and animal motifs are frequently seen embroidered on garb or etched into jewelry. Celtic knot-work and animal designs are also frequently used. The Mjolnir symbol (called a Stjórnar in-game) is worn by people of authority.
- Armor is either leather, chain, or lamellar (either leather or metal). Round shields are common, bucklers are relatively rare except for mages who haven’t trained for battle. Weapons tend to resemble historical Norse weapons, such as straight one-handed swords, hand axes, seaxes (long knives), spears, and dane axes.
Iskaldur Color Swatches
Iskaldur Garb Examples