
Trade is the lifeblood of the Archipelago. While the islands are rich in natural resources, there are precious few sources of metal and only a few islands large and flat enough for large-scale agricultural or industrial centers, making it critical to the Alliance’s continued prosperity that it maintains trading relationships with other nations who can provide metal, food, and finished manufactured goods. Many Captains and Crews are engaged in trade, and it’s a rare Crew that doesn’t have a small shrine to Tekatli, the Saint of Trade and Profit, somewhere for its members to pray to.

While trade is viewed as a vital part of Jadeite culture, money itself is seen as a means to an end — you can buy goods with it or use it to pay for services or experiences, but Corsairs see a pile of gold and lucre as having little value in and of itself besides as a way to keep score. Hoarding coin isn’t quite anathema to them — they can appreciate the desire to have something ready to spend in an emergency — but there’s a cultural inclination towards spending what you have in order to gain from it immediately, whether on a night out on the town, a new outfit, or an investment into your Crew and their ship or equipment.

Trading Customs

Corsairs who are engaging in negotiations over prices, goods, and/or services will pour a shot of Grog for each other and then set them aside, only drinking them once the negotiations are complete. It’s seen as a sign of respect for your “opponent” that you never engage in such negotiations under the influence of alcohol.

Merchant ships fly a black flag with a white spiral painted or stitched onto it as a sign of their allegiance to Tekatli and the pursuit of profit. Merchant Captains and members of a trading Crew will often wear a patch or belt flag with a similar design to indicate that they’re on the lookout for deals and merchandise.


The Archipelago exports salted fish, beast hides, ivory, exotic woods, coral, Amethran relics, dyes, cocoa, coffee, sugar, salt, a wide variety of spices, and a similarly broad array of tropical fruits. They export only a few manufactured goods, namely ships, candy (including chocolate), scrimshaw art pieces, and of course a wide selection of rum.

The Corsairs are the only regular producers of Royal Ambergris, which they extract from the intestines of the enormous sea serpents that dwell within the Southern Seas.


Though the seas and jungles of the Archipelago are rich in life, they can’t support massive amounts of agriculture or fishing without suffering ecological degradation, and there are only a few islands large and flat enough to make intensive farming possible. Thus, while the Alliance can be mostly self-sufficient for food, whenever they have the chance the Corsairs import significant amounts of grain and other foodstuffs to enrich their diets.

While there are a few veins of silver and gold running through the mountains of Westreach, the Archipelago is notoriously poor in sources of ore, and the Alliance imports almost all of its iron and bronze, whether as raw ore, ingots, or finished goods.

Interestingly, sailcloth is one of the most critical imports of the Alliance after metal goods. Though the Corsairs have enough sources of cotton that they could, if they were cut off from the rest of the Continent, weave enough sailcloth to keep their ships supplied with it, they’d be pushing their supply lines to the edge in doing so. This makes importing the stuff a much simpler option that’s also less likely to cause the Greensingers to start muttering about the dangers of monocultures and ecological abuse.

Trade Relations