Kalurrun, The Prince of Lust

<aside> ⚠️ Content warning: This page may contain references to nonconsensual relationships and emotional abuse.


All of the Princes of Amekhar are skilled manipulators and fiendishly good at getting mortals to do what they want, but Kalurrun is by far the most gifted at it. Mortals cannot help but want them — their body, their love, their attention, anything of theirs that the poor soul can hold on to for even the briefest moment. A smile and a glance from the Prince of Lust is enough to send most mortals into a frenzy, frantically seeking a way to gain more of their precious regard; it only takes a gesture and a pleading look to send a small army after whatever they want in the moment.

Kalurrun is the embodiment of wanting other people, the desire for others’ time, attention, and energies. There are no moral boundaries on how their servants pursue this desire, which makes them some of the vilest of the Old Gods’ cultists and demons.