Enchanters can craft long-lasting magic items given the right materials, and these items can be powerful tools for both peace and war. The Enchanting page covers many of the details of the creation, destruction, and lifespan of these items, but this page will cover the rules for using them and any other, non-Enchanted magic items that you may find on your adventures.

Item Type

Magic items come in four general types, each of which includes multiple subtypes:


In order to benefit from a magic item a character must be Attuned to it, bringing their personal energies into harmony with the item’s magics. This is accomplished via the Binding Thread Of Fate spell, which all mages and Enchanters learn and are able to cast.

A character can only be Attuned to one item of each type (Weapon, Armor, Accessory, & Standard) at a time. If they wish to Attune to another item of a given type, they must end their current Attunement to an item of that type and then be Attuned to the new item. If the character and both items are present, this can be performed with a single casting of Binding Thread Of Fate.

Weapon, Armor, and Accessory magic items can only be Attuned to one person at once. If one character wishes to Attune to such an item that is already Attuned to another character, the second character’s Attunement to the item must be ended before the first character can Attune to it. If the item and both characters are present, this process can be performed with a single casting of Binding Thread of Fate.

Standards are unique in that they are designed to have many people Attuned to them at once. A group of people who are Attuned to a single Standard are a referred to as a Band. A single casting of the Binding Thread Of Fate spell can affect any number of people who are Attuned to a given Standard, or who wish to become Attuned to it, provided that they are all present during the spell’s casting. This means, for example, that a single casting of the spell allows a Band to switch their collective Attunement to a new Standard, without requiring multiple castings to switch each individual character’s Attunement to the new Standard.

Using Magic Items

Once Attuned to an item, a character can only benefit from its properties while it is on their person.