For brevity, all items listed here will be referred to as simply Magical Food, regardless of if it’s food or drink.

It takes 15 minutes to prepare a single serving of a magical food, or 1 hour to prepare a Batch of it.

You can only use Plant, Flesh, Bone, and Fluid Components to craft Magical Food.

Magical Food lasts for 4 hours after being prepared, and then loses its magical effects and become simply very bizarre mundane fare.

You can only consume Magical Food during a Short or Long Rest.

Note that the names of these items are for flavor, and the exact form and name that each food or drink takes is up to the creator. If your character is a baker, for example, then Dirtblossom Soup could just as easily be Petrified Bread, so long as the mechanics of the item remain the same. Be creative, and make the dishes your character prepares your own.

Dirtblossom Soup

Breezeborn Bullion

Quartzblood Brew

Bubbling Tea