Mana Flux is magical energy that a mage has harnessed for immediate use, above and beyond the energy they can normally channel into their spells. It is generated by using the Gather Power action, which all creatures that have an Attunement have access to.

As a Free Action when you cast a spell, you can spend any number of charges of Mana Flux to add one or more Metamagics to the spell you are casting, based on how many charges those Metamagics require.

Some Combat Keystones may grant you additional charges of Mana Flux when you cast a spell, often with specific restrictions on how you can get them or how you can spend them. These charges are added on top of any that you were already spending on the spell, and may be spent on Metamagics within the limits set down by the Keystone.

If you spend your Mana Flux on a Metamagic that has the Manipulate tag, the spell you apply it to gains the Manipulate tag if it did not already have it.

You can only hold a number of charges of Mana Flux up to your Mana Capacity. Any charges you gain above that limit are immediately lost; you cannot use them to power any abilities before they dissipate.