Morphic Enchantment

A number of times per Long Rest equal to the Tier of the item, you can use 3 Minor Actions to assume the form and appearance of a Small or Medium Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid. This is a Polymorph effect, and lasts until you take a Short Rest or end it as a Free Action on your turn.

You can Morph into a member of your own Folk, and can choose the appearance of your new form regardless of which Folk you are Morphing into. If you try to impersonate a specific creature, you must make a Deception or Arcana check to Impersonate your target as if you were using the Phantasmal Guise ritual; the enchantment grants a Bonus to your check equal to twice the item’s Tier. This is a Shapeshifting effect, and cannot be seen through or destroyed in the same ways that an Illusion effect can, though other creatures may still come to believe that you’re an imposter if you give them reason to.

Any armor and/or clothing that you are wearing shifts size and proportions to fit your new form, but unless it is enchanted with Shifting Armor this enchantment cannot make it fully functional if you adopt a drastically different body type, such as that of a Salamander (which lacks legs), a Siren (whose upper limbs are wings), or a Formian (which have six limbs); your armor affects you as if it were Broken until the polymorph effect ends, should this happen. The GM has discretion on which forms are “too different” for this purpose.

You temporarily lose the Ancestry Feats of your own Folk and gain the Ancestry Feats of a Folk or the common special ability of a Monstrous Humanoid you’re Morphed into for the duration of the effect, at the GM’s discretion for what traits are inherent in a given Folk’s biology or metaphysical nature and those that are learned or cultural. If you Morph into an Elf, for instance, you do not gain their Focused Skill Training feat, as that is a function of their extended life span and cultural focus on learning a specific skill as thoroughly as possible.