If you are on in a combat situation but do not wish to physically fight, you can use this call to declare yourself to be a Noncombatant.

Noncombatants (or Noncoms for short) are not allowed to wield weapons, cast offensive spells, or otherwise threaten anyone in combat. You are allowed to heal other characters and perform rituals, but you cannot take offensive action, even to defend yourself.

Instead, if an attacker comes up to you with intent to harm you, you must raise one of your hands, call out “Noncom!” or “Non-Combat!”, and stand still. This will inform your attacker that you are not going to resist their attack; they must either choose to spare you or gesture towards you with their weapon and call out “Dead!”, at which point you drop to 0 Hit Points and begin Bleeding Out. They can also choose to touch you (again, very lightly) and make a call such as Cleave, Impale, Venom, etc. if they wish. For safety reasons, you cannot run away while you make this call; you must remain still in order to use it.

Please note that this call is an all-or-nothing one; you cannot stop being a Noncombatant once you have declared yourself as one until the end of the current conflict. If you are in Veilguard when you use this call, you must continue to act as a Noncombatant until you are in a safe place and are not under attack for at least five minutes.

Anyone caught abusing the use of this call will face severe penalties in and out of character, as such actions put players who need to depend on this call for their safety and/or mental health in danger.