Putrid Stench Of Curdled Fortune

You place a curse upon five target Enterprises, the owners of which must all be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

The targeted Enterprises lose -10 Levels.

The effects of this ritual last until the end of the next Round of Downtime or until the curse is broken. You cannot remove this curse from the targets prematurely.

During the next Round of Downtime, a Dreadhorde of your choice takes 3 levels of Disadvantage. If the targeted Dreadhorde is destroyed before the end of the Round, the targets of this ritual each gain 20 Scales in their player packets at the start of the next event.

This ritual can only be performed in Veilguard or a site that is particularly holy to Oruunos. If it is performed outside of Veilguard, the Ritual Power requirement is quadrupled.

Ritual Roleplaying Suggestions

This ritual twists the good luck of five targets into bad, and then spreads that misfortune to the entirety of a Dreadhorde.

Roleplaying Effects

The curse doesn’t actually inflict poor luck on the targets — the magic is designed to offload most of that onto the targets’ Enterprises and the Dreadhorde, instead. However, the side effect of all the Fate-based magic flowing through and around the targets is a sudden obsession with and desire to gamble, and a loss of all ability to properly judge the odds on whatever games or contests that they might betting on. While this frequently has serious side effects on the targets’ financial situation, the curse rarely results in physical harm.