Runesoar Weapon

You can use 1 Minor Action to cause the weapon to float around you. It stays within your square, defending you and attacking your enemies as you direct it until the end of your next turn. You can use a Sustain action on subsequent turns (using any levels of Infusion Focus that you might have to maintain the effect, if you wish) to extend this duration to the end of your next turn.

If the weapon is a Shield, while it is floating around you it grants you its Shield Bonus as if you had used the Raise Shield action with it. If it is not a Shield, it parries the next valid attack made against you before the start of your next turn.

While it is floating, you can Strike with the weapon by using 1 Minor Action, or a Free Action whenever you activate this ability or Sustain the effect. You use your Spellcasting Proficiency Modifier and Spellcasting Attribute Modifier for the attack and damage rolls instead of the normal Weapon Proficiency Modifier and Attribute Modifier. Any abilities that would let you make a Strike with the weapon function normally, but also use your spellcasting modifiers for their attack and damage rolls.

You can use a Free Action on your turn to end the effect prematurely.

The effect ends immediately if you are Critically Hit with a Disarm attack targeting the weapon.

When the effect ends, the weapon teleports back to your hand, a holster or scabbard, or the ground at your feet. If the effect ends because the weapon is grabbed by an enemy, it does not teleport back to you, and you must retrieve it normally.