
You surveil the area around you, either looking for something specifically or simply trying to identify anything out of the ordinary. Make a Perception check against a DC determined by the GM to locate what you’re looking for, or to determine that it isn’t present.

This action does not involve movement — you search the area around you while remaining stationary. To fully search a room or other large location, you need to either perform multiple Search actions as you move through it or be in Discovery and perform a Perception or other skill check as part of that activity.

You can use this action as a Free Action once per round, resetting at the start of your turn. After that, it requires you to use 1 Minor Action.

Note: If you are playing a game where fear of the unknown or solving a mystery is an important part of the gaming experience, it can greatly increase the tension if the GM takes over rolling Perception checks and keeps the numerical results secret from the players.