Selenir’s Dancing Light

You target one Enterprise with this ritual, the owner of which must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

This ritual can only target a Military Unit.

The target Enterprise gains +6 Levels when it is operating in a Region with the Coastal or Ocean Trait. If the target Enterprise has the Ship Trait, it instead either gains +5 Advantage at the start of every Round that it does not use the Reinforce Action or grants the Army or Fleet that it is Reinforcing +1 Advantage at the start of every battle.

The effects of this ritual last until the end of the next Round of Downtime or another Enterprise Sorcery is placed on the target (whichever comes first).

You can overcharge this ritual. For every +12 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target. You can double the Ritual Power required to increase the duration of the Sorcery on all targets to the next 4 Rounds of Downtime.