Selenir’s Guiding Star

You target one character with this ritual, who must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

You petition Selenir, the Saint of Exploration, to aid the target in finding a new path towards their goal. After you register this ritual with Wheelhouse, one of the following things will happen:

  1. The target will receive a map in their packet at the start of the next event, giving information that may be useful to them in some fashion.
  2. The target will receive a map in their packet at the start of the next event, detailing the location of something interesting and/or lucrative, which they can send a Military Unit to perform the Delve Action to retrieve in a subsequent Round of Downtime.
  3. During the next event, the target will receive a quest to explore an area via a special Skirmish, receiving a reward upon successful completion of the quest.

The target may specify which of the three options they would prefer when you register the ritual, but is not guaranteed to receive their preferred outcome. If the target has some specific interest that they would like the result of the ritual to focus on, please include that information when you register this ritual with Wheelhouse.