[flavor text to be added later]

Shard Mage

You gain +1 rank of the Mana Well ability.

You gain +1 rank of the Infusion Focus ability if you had no ranks of it prior to taking this Keystone.

Whenever you Gather Power, you generate 2 Elemental Shards. The Shards are either Fire (Fire), Lightning (Air), Acid (Entropic), Force (Occult), Cold (Water), Stone (Earth), Radiant (Radiant), or Ironwood (Primal), chosen from the elements you have an Affinity with. If you have multiple Affinities, you can choose to generate Shards of different elements with the same use of Gather Power.

You can have a maximum of six Shards manifested at once, and they last for 1 minute before dissipating.

You can expend 1 Shard as a Free Action when you make a spell attack roll to gain a +2 Bonus to the first damage roll that results from that attack. You cannot use this Free Action more than once per spell attack roll.

You can expend 1 Shard to use the Parry ability as a Free Action, regardless of what weapon you are wielding. The Bonus to your saving throw granted by the Parry ability is increased by +2 when you do so.

You gain the Shard Strike ability.

Shard Strike

You expend 1 elemental Shard and make a ranged spell attack against the Defense DC of a target within 30 feet, dealing 1d6 damage on a Hit. The damage is of a type matching the element of the Shard (Stone and Ironwood deal Bludgeoning and Piercing damage, respectively).

This ability counts as an Attack Spell, for the purposes of any interactions with other abilities. This ability does not have any Verbal, Somatic, or Emotional components, and does not have the Manipulate tag.

Shard Volley

Spend 3 shards to make 3 shard attacks in a volley


Spend 3 Shards to throw a Fireball

You can spend a Hero Point to upgrade the result of a spell attack against a single target by one step (Critical Miss > Miss > Hit > Critical Hit). You can expend any number of Shards to gain a Bonus on the damage roll of the attack equal to the number of Shards expended.