You have formed a bond with a minor Spirit, and forged a pact binding the two of you together, to travel and fight alongside each other.

Spirit Companion

You gain +1 rank of either the Mana Well or the Boundless Inspiration ability; choose which you gain when you take this Keystone.

You gain a Spirit Companion, an ally under your command that fights alongside you. Your Companion is a true, if relatively minor, Spirit, and has formed an exclusive pact with you. Whether it started life as a Spirit or became one through some kind of magical process is up to you.

Choose one of the following types of Companion: Mount, Animal, Draconic, Humanoid, or Familiar. You gain a Companion of this type, and cannot change it without going through an extensive process of dismissing your current Companion and gaining the trust and partnership of a new one, as decided by your GM.

When your Companion is not summoned, it resides inside you, nestled in a pocket within your soul called your Core.

Your Companion can speak and understand any languages you speak, and can communicate with you telepathically while it is in your Core. It is intelligent (though exactly how intelligent it is depends on what kind of Companion it is) and can follow complex orders and think for itself if it is separated from you temporarily.

You can summon your Companion from your Core with a ritual that takes 3 Minor Actions and uses Somatic, Verbal, and Emotional components. You can Recall it to your Core as a Free Action on your turn, or as a Reaction at any time, no matter how far it is from you. Your Companion is automatically Recalled if it goes more than 1 mile away from you.

Because your Companion is a Spirit, it does not heal Wounds naturally. Instead, you must let it rest in your Core for it to regain its strength. It heals a number of Wounds equal to three times your Tier over the course of a Long Rest while it is in your Core. It heals twice that many Wounds if it stays within your Core for a full 24 hours.

If the Companion is reduced to 0 Wounds, it dissipates into a swirl of aether and is automatically Recalled to your Core. It regains 1 Wound at the end of your next Short Rest. Once it has at least 1 Wound, you may summon it again.

You gain the Command Companion ability.

In combat, your Companion can normally only take 1 Major Action each round at the end of your turn. Using the Command Companion action on your turn can grant it more actions. All actions that your Companion takes “at the end of your turn” occur after any other effect that might occur at the end of you turn.

For each Tier beyond the first that you have, your Companion gains +4 new Combat Feats and +4 new Skill Feats, in addition to the feats granted by its Companion type, and additional levels of Toughness equal to its starting Toughness. This applies retroactively, if this was not your Tier 1 Keystone. Some other Keystones may grant additional new feats to your Companion, as well.

Command Companion

Choose one of the following:

Types of Companion

Mount Companion

Animal Companion

Draconic Companion

Humanoid Companion

Familiar Companion