Sunderwyl Archetypes

Some of the common archetypes found in the Federation are:


The adventurous crafters of Sunderwyl have built up their own subculture of self-sufficiency and scrappy can-do attitude, blending a willingness to get their hands dirty in a fight with an expertise in how to keep an expedition’s equipment functional inside a Labyrinth. While the actual number of adventuring artificers is relatively low, a lot of the popular novels and stories of the Republic center on clever tinkerers who go out and use their wits and knowledge of Technomancy to surmount overwhelming odds; many young artificers are drawn in by such tales, seeking to join the Delvers Union or head off into the wider Continent in search of adventure.


Divination and the Augurs who practice it have a special place in Sunderwyl society. While the vagueness of the visions granted by fortune-telling is always frustrating to the academics and artificers amongst the Sundalfolk, the possibilities presented by having such foreknowledge are tantalizing. The fact that divinations on subjects that exist in the present tend to be much more specific makes Augurs a respected role within any organization, and few Guilds are without at least one member who can claim the title.


Keepers of records and temples, providers of a helping hand to those in need of guidance, and clerics of the gods, the Curators serve a vital role in anchoring Sunderwyl culture and traditions in the past while ensuring that their communities can continue working towards the future.


Delvers are a breed unto their own, half-mad folk who make their living by willingly venture into the Labyrinths, facing down the monsters and hazards in the search of treasure and resources. They are a core part of the Republic’s economy, and the Delver’s Union that governs them and works to keep them as safe as possible on expeditions is a powerful political force within the nation. Delvers are given respect, as well as a little wariness, by the rest of Sunderwyl society — they’re heroes for the necessary work they do, but are also viewed as a little bit cracked and not entirely stable.


Guildmasters run the guilds that make Sunderwyl’s economy function. Whether their guild is focused on Delving, crafting things, selling stuff, performing rituals, or some other purpose, the Guildmaster’s job is to keep the guild’s membership working together and represent their interests in meetings with other guilds, the government, and foreign organizations.


Seekers of new places, traders of goods both mundane and exotic, and masters of the twisting spaces of the Labyrinths, the Navigators of Sunderwyl are skilled at finding their way on the open seas or within the depths of the earth, and driven to find new discoveries and opportunities for themselves and their people.


To be a Pioneer is to be hardy, well-prepared, and adaptable. They are the folk who go out into the arid wastes of Sundland to forge roads or build new settlements, finding ways and places to turn the desert to their needs. They have to be ready for whatever the badlands throws at them, from wild beasts to poisonous miasmas to baking heat and freezing cold; those who don’t learn how to properly prepare and can’t manage to adapt are doomed to fall to the desert’s merciless perils, but there are many who not only survive but thrive in that hostile terrain. Pioneers are capable as both combatants, mages, and crafters, forced through circumstance to take a jack-of-many-trades approach to the various disciplines of the world so that they might be best able to deal with whatever difficulties they run into out in the wilds.


The soldiers of the Republic’s military are disciplined and courageous, fighting in cramped stone tunnels, open grasslands, and on a rolling ship’s deck with equal aplomb. Back in the first days of the Republic, the military used old dwarven designs for helmets, square and blocky things that only a dwarf could love the looks of. The fae, being who they were, immediately dubbed the soldiers who wore them squareheads, and the name has stuck ever since.


The Talonguard is the knickname given to a collection of Guilds whose business takes them into the depths of the Golden Sea or the wilderness of Sundland’s deserts and scrubland, and the name is applied to any individual who fulfills a similar role, whether or not they’re a member of one of the Talonguard Guilds. Equipped with light armor, they’re accomplished trackers and hunters, ably taking on the predators that roam the fantastical grassland and arid wastes. Those able to afford it are often mounted on terrorbirds or direbeaks, though unfortunately such beasts are unable to enter Veilguard with their riders.