Tekatli’s Grand Panoply

You target two Enterprises with this ritual, the owners of which must be present for the entire performance of the ritual.

This ritual can only target Caravans.

The targeted Enterprises form a Panoply, enhancing their collective earning potential by working together. Each Caravan in the Panoply that trades in the same Nation during the next Round of Downtime gains +1 level per other Caravan in the Panoply that also trades in that nation. For example, if three members of the Panoply trade in Faen’miir during the next Round of Downtime, they each have their Level increased by +2 for that Round; if seven did so, they would each have their Level increased by +5 for that Round.

For each member of the Panoply that trades in a nation during the next Round of Downtime, one Province in that nation recovers +2 to its Economy score during the Recovery phase of the Round, up to its maximum Economy score.

The effects of this ritual last until the end of the next Round of Downtime or another Enterprise Sorcery is placed on the target(s) (whichever comes first). If this Sorcery’s effects end prematurely on one Enterprise within the Association, it does not end the effects of the ritual on the other members of the Panoply.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +6 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, it can affect +1 additional target and include them in the Panoply formed by the ritual.

<aside> 💡 Note that the “Economy” statistic and “Recovery” phase may or may not change in the future, as the Strategy Layer mechanics which it is a part of are still under development. The point of this ritual is to both give PCs a financial reward for cooperating and to let them target specific Nations/Provinces with their Caravans to try to aid economic recovery in a region after a cultist attack or natural disaster.
