Nomadic, Decorated, Mercantile, Prosperous, Traditional, Naturalistic, Stoic, Practical, Earthy, Druidic
Ancient Scythians, Pontic Steppe nomads, Slavic Rus & eastern European historical garb, fantasy barbarians, historical and fantasy druids.
Visual Reference
https://www.pinterest.com/veilguardlarp/tomarran-clans/ (a Pinterest board for garb and aesthetic inspiration.)
Tomarran Color Swatches
Tomarran Garb Examples
- Color palette is a mix of white, green, yellow, brown, tan, grey, and black, varying in brightness depending on the wearer’s Calling and economic status.
- Wool, linen, and cotton are all used as primary materials for clothing. Leather garments are common, but furs are status symbols. Brocade and silk are common materials in the garb of the wealthy.
- Basic garments are a T-tunic, baggy Rus pants, and a kaftan, coat, or kurta that either crosses diagonally in front of the body or has a central vertical closure with horizontal bars across the front next to its buttons.
- Signature garment(s) are either a Phrygian cap or a leather headband. When wearing armor and a helmet, a helmet with a horsetail plume is the signature garment.
- Feminine garb involves longer tunics and coats, possibly dispensing with pants, but doesn’t differ significantly from masculine garb other than hem length and any tailoring needed to better fit the wearer.
- Gold, bronze, and bone decorations are common, both as jewelry and stitched into clothing.
- Animal motifs (particularly horses, reindeer, and lions), plant motifs, and Ouroboros or cyclical motifs are the designs most commonly seen on Tomarran jewelry and clothing.
- Weapons are curved swords such as scimitars, sabers, dao, and talwars; bows, particularly short recurved horsebows; and spears. Armor is tough but flexible leather, fabric gambesons, hard leather plates, or leather or metal lamellar.