
You become invisible and unnoticeable. Roll a Stealth check to Hide against the Perception DCs of any NPCs or enemies who are nearby. You do not need Cover or Concealment to make this check. Against a creature with Blindsight or similar ability that can see through invisibility, you instead apply your Stealth check result against their Will DC, to have them not notice you. While the effect lasts, you are Concealed and Undetected from any target whose DC your Stealth check Succeeded against.

Creatures who were aware of you when you used this ability still remember where you were when you used it, but if your Stealth check succeeded against their DC they cannot see you or (if they have some way of ignoring invisibility) look right past you.

Creatures can track your position if your movement affects your surroundings (footprints in snow or mud, knocking over a pile of trash, etc.), even if they can’t actually see your form.

This effect ends at the end of your next turn or immediately after you cast a Spell, Ritual, or Technique, use an Arcanite ability or Aetheric Device, or make any kind of Attack.

You may Step as a Free Action immediately after you make your Stealth check.

You can only use this ability once per Long Rest.