Winter Fae are infused with the essence of winter, the time when the natural world sleeps and dreams and the weak perish so that spring might bloom the stronger for it. They are called “wise” by many, but the reality is that they are patient, usually willing to take the time to understand what they’re dealing with rather than acting rashly. They are steadfast and reliable, not fiery or flighty. While some may have ghastly or grim appearances, they are often warm and solid figures in a society, offering guidance, support, and restraint to the more vibrant and action-oriented folk around them.

Mechanical Effects

Winter Fae have a connection to the dead and to the weave of Fate; they occasionally receive vague visions of the future or insights into the motivations or intentions of undead spirits or mortals who have passed. If you are playing a Winter Fae, you will receive a very vague dream vision in your player packet at the start of an event; you can use the Clarify The Lens Of Ice ritual to gain more insight into the vision.

Winter Fae have a connection to the realm of Amekhar; when they interact with cultists, monsters, or events surrounding that Old God, they may have some small amount of resistance to their mind-altering effects or insight into their nature or motivations.

Cosmetic Guidelines

Winter Fae have facial markings that trail from the eyes down to the jawline on either side of the mouth. The markings should never go all the way to the sides of the face, and shouldn’t extend above the eyes.

Playing A Winter Fae

Patient. Calm. Self-Possessed. Perceptive. Winter Fae have an instinctual tendency towards patience and preparation, seeking to learn and understand what they can about something before they act. They chafe at being hurried, and do what they can to ensure that they have time to do things right rather than having to rush and do a slap-dash job. They carry themselves with a calm and patient attitude, easily controlling their emotions, which gives them an air of self-possession and certitude even when their emotions are in turmoil under the surface.

As you’re playing your character, try to keep control of your expression, maintaining a calm facade as much as you can. Be patient with the people around you, using a quiet tone of voice whenever possible and appropriate. Take your time, don’t rush into things, try to understand what you’re dealing with before you act. If possible, try to plan things out ahead of time, so that you’re never forced to rush to meet a deadline. Use your Lineage as a reason for why you should stay calm and hold onto your patience, whenever it’s appropriate.

On the flip side of this, don’t feel like you have to take everything slowly — Winter Fae can act with the appropriate urgency if quick action is necessary, they just prefer to slow down and do things right the first time. If you need to act right now, then go ahead and act.
