A realm of pure Order, Apex is an apparently endless structure of corridors, rooms, and amphitheaters built out of a gleaming golden-bronze metal. Its denizens are automatons, so advanced that they function in similar ways to mortal people and beasts. They “think” in ways that are incredibly straightforward, to a mortal’s perspective, and they cannot tolerate the sheer chaos of mortal lives and minds. It’s possible to speak with one, but the interlocutor must be incredibly patient and careful in how they phrase things, as even a slight mispronunciation or misphrasing can set an Apexian off into a murderous rampage to “eradicate the chaos” around them.

It’s hypothesized that Helikhar either originated from this plane or drew significant amounts of their power or inspiration from it, but no mortals have ever found evidence to either confirm or disprove this theory.

The residents of Apex do not like the mortal realm, finding even the air and environment too chaotic for their tastes, let alone the flora, fauna, and sentient residents. The few times they have purposefully entered it, rather than doing so on accident or because of a mortal’s forced summoning, they have done so in force to cleanse some perceived great source of chaos from the world, retreating swiftly once their objective was complete.