Helikhar, God of Purity

The world is chaotic and filthy, and must be purged; by fire and chain, you shall be Our instrument in bringing about its perfection.

The God of Purity is obsessed with order and crystalline perfection. They are a creature of clean and brutal lines, of everything arranged just so, of complete intolerance for anything that goes against their idea of how the world should be. They rule over the black-and-white city of Khar-Dis, a dystopia of divinely-enforced purity of thought, body, and environment, where everything is perfectly sterilized and the demons and damned souls who dwell there act out their parts in Helikhar’s designs like puppets on barbed strings.

Images & Symbols

Helikharan Princes

Helikharan Minions

Followers and cultists of Helikhar tend to be incredibly disciplined, and are feared for their staying power and the brutal effectiveness of their teamwork. They use shield walls supported by mages wherever possible, which makes them less mobile and heavy-hitting than many of the other Old Gods’ forces, but much more durable.

When a minion of Helikhar makes a promise, they keep it. They never lie or attempt to deceive, and unless they have countervailing orders they usually have a twisted sense of honor. This makes it feasible, sometimes even beneficial, to arrange truces or prisoner-exchanges with an individual or a force of Helikharans, though it hasn’t been a terribly common occurrence in past Churnings.

Helikhar views mortals as an important resource, and their cultists and demons will generally tend to leave crippled or bleeding foes alone, in the belief or hope that they can be healed up and converted to Helikhar’s side through oath or coercion. They loathe the followers of Bakharos, however, viewing them as inherently flawed and irredeemable, and will mercilessly execute any who are wearing one of Bakharos’ holy symbols. Those who wear symbols of Alethos will often be the first to receive healing and attempts to convert them, oddly enough; despite Alethos’ betrayal, Helikhar views Alethos’ servants as great prizes if it can convince them to switch sides.

The lesser demons of Helikhar tend to be incredibly tough and hard to kill, but less powerful offensively than those of the other Old Gods; they are usually only vulnerable to the most powerful of strikes, except when weakened for a short time by a Turn effect such as the Turn Evil spell.


The realm of Khar-Dis is Helikhar’s hell within the Veil, a vast iron and alabaster metropolis covered in chains and the wailing specters of those who have failed to live up to the expectations of the God of Purity.