Autumn Fae are infused with the energies of change and entropy, the turning of summer into autumn and the great slow exhale of the natural world as it prepares for winter. They are sensitive to natural cycles, and are remarkably accurate about forecasting the first frost and thaw, or when is the right time to plant or harvest. They have an instinctual desire for connection, an urge to make friends and form groups, feeling a need to work together and stand united against the lean times of the year and the progressive march of entropy. Left to their own devices in isolated hamlets or villages, this can lead some to become insular and aggressive towards other peoples or settlements, but once integrated into a larger society they often form the glue holding it together, acting as merchants, innkeepers, and organizers of civic life.

Mechanical Effects

Autumn Fae have a connection to the realms of Amekhar and Helikhar; when they interact with cultists, monsters, or events surrounding those Old Gods, they may have some small amount of resistance to their mind-altering effects or insight into their nature or motivations.

Cosmetic Guidelines

Autumn Fae always have a thick streak of color going from one side of their face to the other across the bridge of the nose and under the eyes. The color can extend to cover their ears, as well. The streak should not touch the eyes, the tip or bottom of the nose, the angle of the jaw, the mouth, or the chin.

Playing An Autumn Fae

Friendly. Outgoing. Warm. Welcoming. Autumn Fae take a quiet joy in the presence of other people. They don’t like being all on their lonesome, and much prefer to be around at least one other person, even if both are doing their own thing and not interacting. Be friendly, be outgoing, and be present for the people who you interact with. When you’re playing your character, try to make a point of always going places in the company of others. Try to avoid being in-character and alone; if you need some time to yourself that’s fine, just try to make a point of hanging out in the presence of other characters, or go to an out-of-character location to recharge your social battery if you need to be completely by yourself.
