Beacon Of Dread Desire

You target one Enterprise with this ritual; the Curse Card must be delivered to the Enterprise’s owner for the ritual to take effect.

This ritual can only target a Caravan or Business.

The target Enterprise loses -8 Levels. At the start of each Conflux, this penalty is reduced by 2. The effects of this ritual last until the Level penalty is reduced to 0, until you choose to remove it, or until the curse is broken.

You can overcharge this ritual; for every +10 additional Ritual Power you use when you perform the ritual, the targeted Enterprise takes an additional -2 Level penalty.

Roleplaying Effects

The target becomes utterly paranoid that someone is going to steal or destroy their belongings. They see thieves and cutpurses waiting around every corner, and constantly keep their hands on their valuables “because you can never be too careful.” When they have to leave their belongings behind somewhere, they either demand that a trusted friend guard their stuff or suffer constant anxiety that their valuables will be stolen in their absence.