Chilling Breath Of Winter

You place a curse upon a target character.

Whenever the target would recover Hit Points, whether from a healing effect or resting overnight, they only recover 1 HP, rather than the normal amount.

The target cannot benefit from the Heal Call, the Healing Touch Spell, the Restoration Spell, the Unstoppable Force Technique, or the Resuscitate Technique. Any resources spent on those actions are still spent, but the target gains no benefit from them.

The effects of this ritual last until the end of the next event, until you choose to remove it, or until the curse is broken.

Roleplaying Effects

The target cannot get warm, the chill of winter sunk deep in their bones. No matter how warm the day is, how close they get to a fire, or how many layers they wear, they will still shiver as if they were out in the middle of a cold winter’s night with not enough clothing on to protect against the wind.

In addition, whenever they would recover Hit Points, the target feels like a hot poker was being stuck into the wounds that are being healed, causing a minute or two of burning pain before the effect fades. Prolonged healing, such as that required to treat a Traumatic Wound, can be a truly agonizing process.