Craft Illusion

You create an illusion, which can fill a cube of up to 5 feet per Tier on a side. It can either be anchored in place or attached to a mobile inanimate substrate, such as a rock, twig, piece of armor, wagon, or ship. The illusionary effect does not need to fill the entire cubical area, but it cannot leave that area.

The illusion has visual, auditory, and olfactory effects, meaning that creatures nearby can see, hear, and smell it, but is intangible and cannot be touched or physically affect anything touching it. Tremorsense, Echolocation, and Scent do not offer any benefits to noticing that it is unreal, as the illusion is capable of giving off signals that fool those senses. Life Sense, however, automatically notices that an illusion of a creature is neither alive nor undead.

You must use the Sustain action on each subsequent round to maintain the illusion and control its actions, behavior, and/or appearance; the illusion freezes in place when not sustained, but only disappears if dispelled or its duration expires. You can Sustain it at any point while you are within 30 feet of it or are directly observing it (regardless of distance), though manipulating the illusion while you can’t see it may impose Penalties on your check for its effectiveness.

The illusion lasts for 5 minutes after it was created or last sustained.

The detail and convincingness of the illusion is determined by an Arcana or Performance (Illusion) check against observers’ Perception or Will DCs, whichever is higher. If you are using the illusion to entertain, it is a normal Performance check rather than being compared against any of a creature’s DCs. If the illusion is anchored to an object that a creature other than you is currently carrying or wearing, you take Disadvantage on this check and any checks you make regarding maintaining the illusion unless that creature stays completely still.

A creature can use a Search action to examine the illusion if they suspect it isn’t real, causing you to reroll your Arcana or Performance check against the higher of their Perception or Will DCs:

If a creature attacks or interacts with the illusion, you make an Arcana check against the attack’s DC or the creature’s Will DC to determine whether the illusion remains intact. If the illusion is being attacked by something that would deal Radiant damage on a Hit, you take Disadvantage on this check.
