If you feel that an instance of the Time or Emergency calls has disadvantaged your character to the point where your character is at risk of dying permanently, you can call Deus Ex Machina to immediately and safely depart for the Godscore Gate rather than resume play in that disadvantaged situation.

Note that this is specifically only usable after a Emergency call or a Refereeā€™s use of the Time call has interfered in a combat situation and either paused a local combat while the rest of the battlefield continues to shift or repositioned one or more groups of combatants to avoid a hazardous situation; it cannot be used to drop out of combat in any other context.

You cannot return to the battlefield during the current opening of the Godscore Gate after you have used this Call; you must return to Veilguard as swiftly and directly as possible, calling out Dead to any enemies who approach you as you are traveling to the Godscore Gate.

In-character, your character has narrowly escaped certain death through headlong flight out of a doomed position, retreating through the Godscore Gate as fast as they could. You are encouraged to roleplay this scenario of a harrowing and traumatic near-death experience.

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Developerā€™s Note: We do not encourage the use of this call, and we reserve the right to reconsider its existence if we believe that it is being abused, but we would rather the option be available in case a Refereeā€™s decision or other safety situation would cause someone to lose a beloved character through no fault of their own.
