If you or someone near you needs real-world medical attention, call out “Emergency!” to alert other players in the vicinity to stop fighting and give whoever is hurt space, as well as to alert any nearby medical personnel that they are needed.

If you hear “Emergency” being called, stop fighting and go down on one knee immediately until a Referee tells you to resume play. If you see medical personnel moving in your direction, move out of their way to ensure they can get to whoever needs help quickly.

No blows delivered during a call of Emergency deal damage, and no resources should be considered to be used or magical effects triggered. If you are Bleeding Out near a Hold call, your Bleed Timer is paused until the Emergency situation is resolved and play has resumed.

If you feel that the circumstance around a Emergency call would cause your character to die permanently, you may use the Deus Ex Machina call to exit the battlefield safely during the Emergency situation or immediately after it has been resolved.