When you’re not on an adventure or enjoying your hard-earned pay and/or loot, you’re usually doing something else with your time. For each day or week that you and your party are in town and not doing any adventuring, you can choose up to 2 of the following tasks, with some exceptions, to pursue:


You spend your time relaxing and healing up, regaining twice the normal amount of Wounds per day as you normally would over a Long Rest. You cannot perform another action in addition to Resting. Once you are sufficiently healed, you can change to one or two of the other Downtime activities as normal.

(Note that characters still recover Wounds as normal each time they get a good night’s sleep during Downtime; the Resting activity simply accelerates this process.)


This is the default if a PC isn’t injured and doesn’t have anything else they want to do — they prepare for their next adventure, training and ensuring that they’re as ready as they can be for whatever may come.

For each full week that you spend Training, your character gains +1 charge of Trained Fitness, up to a maximum of 3 charges. Charges of Trained Fitness last until they are spent or the character begins another cycle of downtime. You can spend a charge of Trained Fitness as if it were a charge of Inspiration, Mana Flux, or Aether Flux at any time you could spend any of those types of charges.

If you are only Training during Downtime, you gain +1 charge of Trained Fitness every 3 full days you spend Training instead of +1 every week.


Sometimes players want to redo the character creation process, or just change one or two Feats, without actually switching out to a different character. This is what Retraining is for.

Retraining requires 1 full week of continuous downtime. Each time you Retrain, you can exchange 1 Combat Feat and 1 Skill Feat for another feat of the same type (you don’t have to do both, though, if you only want to change one). You can choose to Retrain a feat to learn new options for it (for example, Retraining Crafting Formulae to learn different Formulae, or Weapon Training to gain Proficiency Boosts in the use of different weapons).

You cannot Retrain feats that are being used as Prerequisites by other Feats or Keystones. You cannot Retrain your Keystones - they are integral parts of your character.



Earning Money

Make a Professional Lore, Performance, or Crafting Lore check. You earn the result in gold pieces each week, multiplied by the number of Proficiency Boosts you have in the skill you rolled. This is disposable income — it’s assumed that you earn this amount on top of whatever your normal living expenses cost.


Making Connections


Performing Research
