Rune-Folk, Children of Stone, and Keepers of the Deep Halls; the Dwarves have many names and stories attributed to them, from gruff blacksmiths and wandering explorers to noble guildmasters and wise mystics. They are a communal folk with a love of craft and skill, and a tendency to focus intensely on one thing until they master it.

Mechanical Effects

Dwarves have a connection to the realm of Helikhar; when they interact with cultists, monsters, or events surrounding that Old God, they may have some small amount of resistance to their mind-altering effects or insight into their nature or motivations.

Dwarves are the only Lineage that can use the Stone Calling Magical Tradition, invoking the names of the ancestral Dwarven Clans in their rituals and spells.

Cosmetic Guidelines

Dwarves’ defining cosmetic feature is the set of runes on their faces. These always take the form of Stoic runes (see below for the Stoic alphabet), one below each eye and one in the center of the forehead, with the following meanings:

The runes’ color doesn’t matter, so long as it stands out clearly and doesn’t blend into your natural skin tone or any other facepaint you have on. Please choose a single color for your character’s runes and stick with it, as a new/different color for your facial markings could mislead observers into thinking that you’re playing a different character.

We recommend that you have the runes drawn out on a piece of paper with the outline of a face to remind you where they go, and that you have someone else apply the facepaint — it can be difficult to get the correct orientation of the runes if you’re doing it yourself in a mirror.

Dwarves also grow metallic wires from their ears, which they often decorate with gems or earrings. For this we recommend metallic (or metallic-looking) ear cuffs. How elaborate or ostentatious you want these to look is up to you and your character’s sense of fashion. These can be Glamoured away if need be, however.

Playing A Dwarf

Dwarves are driven. Just as elves have a lower emotional affect, and fae have their own seasonal influences on their personality, Dwarves tend towards intense focus on one task, trade, or profession, sometimes to such a degree that they let other parts of their lives start to fall apart.

Dwarves are also communal. They depend on one another to make up for their own lack of focus outside their subject of interest, forming deep ties with those who are willing to support them when they need it and returning the favor whole-heartedly. Few things can pull a Dwarf out of a state of hyperfocus faster than a friend or Clan-member in need, and they tend to put just as much intensity into aiding those they are close to as they do into their chosen profession. They aren’t as friendly or outgoing as an Autumn Fae, but once someone proves themselves a good friend and capable part of their support network, they will move heaven and earth to help that person out if need be.

Play up any instances where you get really into a subject — be obsessive, be focused, pretend not to hear people trying to get your attention, that kind of thing. Don’t be rude about it, though, and please make sure to apologize if you are accidentally rude. Dive into something and only come up for air when you absolutely have to for safety reasons or someone else needs your assistance.

Focus on helping others of the same Clan, and those outside your Clan who have proven to be willing to help you. Your character doesn’t have to be naïve about this — if a member of your clan is taking advantage of you, for example, you’ve got every right to tell them off — but in general be willing to pitch in and help out those in your close circles.

What Dwarves Are Not